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Think Like Jason Bourne / Bond – MI6 and CIA Training for 'Soft Skills' KarambitKnives,com

qcreek11 Jul 03

This video explores some of the training methods used by members of the CIA, MI6, and KGB. How do they devevlop soft skills like situational awareness, social engineering, blending in, and creating believable cover stories? What combat training do they receive? What does the job really involve?

Find out how you too can train like Jason Bourne or James Bond…

The full post:

Situational awareness post at the Art of Manliness:

The blog:



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  1. @pajeetsingh July 3, 2024

    Well it was identity rats in Bangkok.

  2. @pajeetsingh July 3, 2024

    Terry would be proud of you.

  3. @knightshousegames July 3, 2024

    I think that is something people don't realize, because our generation's experience with James Bond is with the action movie Goldeneye era of James Bond.

    In the books it's far more about the intrigue and spy skills than it is about big shootouts. Bond's signature gun, the Walther PPK, is chambered in .380, which for those who don't know, isn't very powerful, because it's meant for super compact pocket pistols, for concealability and emergency self defense, not big showy gunfights. And apparently that was a size up for him, in the first book his gun was even smaller.

    Thats because the point of his character wasn't action, it was these sort of skills

    I think the Bourne Trilogy does a good job balancing the action and soft skills, Bourne is constantly actively being hunted in the movies, so he has to stay covert and arouse as little suspicion as humanly possible in order to avoid arrest, while doing what it takes to complete his mission. So most of the movie is him gathering information covertly, tracking people down, etc. and the big action sequences are usually a payoff at the end

  4. “PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS” is the final piece in the matrix . Book changed my ENTIRE THOUGHT PROCESS; I’m not only able to be 100% effective on all aspects on decision making but more importantly I’m re-ordering the thought making process matrix tailored to my situation for MAXIMUM effect

  5. @marksierra3522 July 3, 2024

    The OODA loop isn't a tactic like this video suggests, it's a way of describing human behavior. BOOM! A gunshot just rang out! Here's what happens. 1- You OBSERVE the bang. Something really loud just happened! 2- You ORIENT yourself! What was that? Is someone shooting? Did a 2×4 just fall on the floor? You're in a warehouse, did a pneumatic hose just burst? You look around. You see an air hose moving around. You DECIDE what to do. Who is going to fix this? I see the engineer fiddling around with it. I'm going to leave him alone. You ACT – There's nothing I can do here, I'll continue doing my work.

    That's not a romantic gun shooting example, but that's how OODA works. This guy skims over it and doesn't give you fuck all of information.

  6. @myyoutube887 July 3, 2024

    Who Am I and Who Wants Me……..

  7. @TheGhostVillain July 3, 2024

    “Call the police” wtf?! Are we tryna b James Bond or not?

  8. @leejee88 July 3, 2024

    Could someone give me examples of psychomotor vigiliance training and how it relates to thinking like jason bourne


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