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Nick Drossos – Ground Fighting, Knife Defense and Multiple Attackers KarambitKnives,com

qcreek11 Sep 27

This is a possible scenario; You are walking down the street minding your own business and the next thing you know, two muggers are threatening you with a knife! Without a doubt, it’s safe to say that anything can happen in a street fight, especially against multiple attackers.

In this video we cover 3 different topics of self-defense: Ground fighting, knife defense and multiple attackers.

If you fall to the ground during a fight, you need to work your way out by fighting from that position. You need to use your legs to strike your opponent and get back up as quickly as possible. Avoid staying on the ground, since it leaves you too vulnerable to stomp kicks.

Against multiple attackers, you need to target your first strike towards the closest attacker, usually the one positioned right in front of you. When the time to strike comes, do not hit apologetically. Instead, hit hard and fast to terminate the danger! As you are striking the primary attacker, angle off on the side to make it more difficult for the second one to reach you.

As shown in the video, you can also use an improvised weapon such as a school bag to strike your attackers.

What’s important to remember when facing multiple opponents, is to listen to what they are saying. For example; what are their intentions? What do they want? How are they positioned? These are important elements that you need to understand and establish to determine your next move.

As you are trying to de-escalate the situation, you are working on raising your attacker’s ego and making his guard go down. Furthermore, it’s important to talk to your opponents to distract them from hitting you and to pattern interrupt theirs thoughts in order to get ready for your first strike. Of course, all of this needs to be done naturally. The best way to get the hang of it is to practice self-defense scenarios with different training partners. You get to experience different ways of attacks and learn how to defend from each one of them.

When facing multiple attackers, try not to give your back to your opponents; it’s dangerous and will leave you vulnerable on getting hit from behind. Instead, keep your opponents in front of you and move in a circular motion to make it more difficult for the attackers to reach you.

Lastly, if the fight is on, don’t forget to always keep on fighting…Never give up when it comes to saving your life. You need to give all you’ve got to fight back and survive!

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Thanks for watching and stay safe,

Nick Drossos and the team

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  1. @TallSilhouette September 27, 2024

    @Bak3dB3an It's an old comment, sure, but it's worth addressing. You are less likely to be cut by keeping out of its range, but sometimes it can't be helped. As he stated earlier in the seminar, what happens in a confined space with no room to run? What if you're slow and can't outrun him or protecting someone and can't run at all? By all means, run when you can, but when you can't, trapping is better than staying in your attacker's ideal range.

  2. @Bak3dB3an September 27, 2024

    Never wrestle with a knife, always keep your distance, a gun is different, its better to be close than far with a gun.

  3. @Bak3dB3an September 27, 2024

    Good philosophy.

    You have to create a little bit of fear in your attacker because he's nervous too.

    Distract and attack, god idea.

    If it's more than 3 people, create a distraction and get the fuck out of there.


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